NPA – Norwegian Publishers Association 

NPA – Norwegian Publishers Association 

The Norwegian Publishers Association (NPA) is a trade organisation for publishers. Our members represent approximately 76 % of the sales from publishers to booksellers in the country. We manage joint market ventures, provide statistics, offer standard contracts and provide service for our members. We maintain strong links to the authorities, domestic organisations in the cultural industry in general and the book industry in particular, as well as sister organisations abroad.

NPA is dedicated to defend and strengthen freedom to publish, both nationally and internationally, increase respect for copyright, also by strengthening the publishers’ copyright position, strengthen and develop the position of literature in Norway, and defend and strengthen the publishers’ position and take care of their professional and financial interests.

The Norwegian Publishers Association’s Committee for sales of publishing rights abroad works on policy issues regarding export and joint marketing ventures for Norwegian publishers abroad, such as the Frankfurt Book Fair, the London Book Fair and a seminar for foreign publishers at the yearly Norwegian festival of literature in Lillehammer. Both publishers and agencies are represented in the committee and the committee works in close cooperation with NORLA (Norwegian Literature Abroad) that “promotes the export of Norwegian literature through active profiling work and translation subsidies. The organisation disseminates knowledge about Norwegian books and authors abroad, and operations are financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture”.

Country: Norway

