The presentation of the Romanian book market by Mihai Mitrica, Executive Director of the Romanian Publishers Association (AER) in occasion of the visit of German publishers to Bucharest on 14-15 of September for two days of intense discussions with Romanian publishers and officials regarding the Romania Guest of Honour in Leipzig Book Fair 2018 project. Afterwards, the German guests were presented with the funding opportunities offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute for translation of Romanian authors/works into German language for Leipzig Book Fair 2018. The presentation was held by Bogdan Popescu, director of the National Book Centre.
The publishers delegation then had a long session of face-to-face meeting where Romanian colleagues presented their works and authors and discussed licensing and translations opportunities for Leipzig 2018. The next day, German publishers were invited to visit two of the most beautiful book shops in Bucharest, Humanitas de la Cișmigiu and Cărturești Carusel and met with representatives of two important publishing houses in Romania: Humanitas and Curtea Veche Publishing. In Cărturești Carusel book shop, the German guest also attended an EUPL event, a public reading of 2016 EUPL winner Claudiu M. Florian.
The meeting in Romania was jointly organized by AER and by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. The delegation of 7 German publishers was led by Oliver Zille, director of the Leipzig Book Fair, and his assistant Mariella Bremer and met with 16 Romanian publishers selected by the Romanian Publishers Association.
AER presentation of the Romanian book market is available for download here