FEP was present once again at Readmagine in 2024, bringing its latest statistics to the Week of Digital Innovation in Reading, Books and Libraries, organised by the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation (FGSR). On Thursday 30 May, FEP Deputy Director Enrico Turrin presented the results of the latest FEP survey about the European book market for 2023/2024.


According to the figures elaborated by FEP, total publishers’ turnover in Europe in 2023 grew little more than 2% to reach € 24.4 billion, basically the same level as in 2007 – the year with the highest turnover on record. However, Mr Turrin pointed out that the figure was in nominal terms, not adjusted for inflation. The more detailed data presented were still those of 2022, as the new figures will be available at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Mr Turrin also pointed out that, according to EUROSTAT data, book prices in the last 20 years had consistently increased below the level of general inflation.

Looking at individual markets, 2023 closed with a small increase in turnover in most countries surveyed, in most cases due to an increase in prices (driven by inflation) accompanied by a decrease in sales volumes. Readers seem to continue the trend of returning gradually to physical bookstores. The same situation characterised the first months of 2024.

You can find the recording of the session here.

The full presentation is available here.