Talk by Alice Wood

[This is the first of a series of five articles devoted to analysing scenarios, tools and processes necessary to manage a book value chain that works with environmental sustainability criteria]


During the event on sustainability organised by Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez (Madrid, 17th of July) Alice Wood, the responsible at the Publishers Association (PA) of the Sustainability Task Force, explained their initiatives undertaken by the UK publishing industry.

The Publishers Association collaborates closely with publishers and industry partners to promote various aspects of sustainability within the UK publishing sector. The initiatives highlighted include efforts in artificial intelligence, copyright enforcement, combating piracy, supporting educational publishers, promoting diversity and inclusion, and advocating for fair digital markets.

Alice Wood’s presentation highlighted the Publishers Association’s proactive approach towards sustainability, emphasizing collaboration, innovation, and commitment to achieving global sustainability goals. By leveraging tools and partnerships, the PA continues to lead the UK publishing industry towards a more sustainable future.

Central to the Publishers Association’s sustainability efforts is the alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs Publishers Compact, launched in collaboration with the International Publishers Association, aims to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs by 2030. Signatories commit to promoting and acquiring content on SDGs, reporting annually on progress, raising awareness among stakeholders, and dedicating resources towards SDG-related actions.



Focus and tools on sustainability initiatives 

The PA’s sustainability strategy primarily focuses on SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). However, their efforts also contribute to SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) through various programs and initiatives.

The PA has developed several tools to aid publishers in their sustainability journeys:

> Publishing Declares Pledge: A commitment to reduce environmental impact and transform operations to combat climate change. Nearly 200 organizations across publishing sectors have signed this pledge.

> Carbon Calculator: Launched in September 2022, this tool allows publishers to calculate and monitor their carbon footprint across different aspects of their business operations.

> Materials Matrix: This tool assesses the environmental impact of various materials used in the publishing supply chain, aiding in sustainable material sourcing decisions.


Challenges and impacts 

One of the significant challenges highlighted is the diverse nature of publishing entities, each with unique priorities and resources. The PA addresses these challenges by offering tailored support through initiatives like the Materials Matrix and by convening regular task force meetings to discuss emerging sustainability issues and policies.

The impact of these initiatives is evident in the growing adoption of tools like the Carbon Calculator, which has been licensed to the Independent Publishers Guild and is being considered by international associations. Future plans include global expansion of these tools, upskilling members through training and webinars, and enhancing data collection to gain a comprehensive understanding of carbon emissions within the industry.