You are kindly requested to read the following general conditions of contract, the complete acceptance of which is an essential condition to avail oneself of the services reserved by AIE to registered Users of the website
1. Definitions.
“AIE” means Associazione Italiana Editori (Italian Publishers Association), with registered office at Corso di Porta Romana n. 108, 20122 Milan, Italy, (VAT number 01416360152, Tel. +39 0289280800, Fax +39 0289280860, e-mail:, as coordinator of the ALDUS Project.
“Website” means the website owned by AIE as coordinator of the ALDUS Project.
“User” or “You” means the user of the Website.
“Parties” means the User and AIE.
“Services” means the services made available through the Site and reserved for registered Users, as well as the portions of the Site dedicated to them, provided according to the terms and conditions specified below.
2. Subject.
Registration and Services are offered free of charge by AIE, unless otherwise expressly indicated, based on the acceptance by the User of the present general conditions of contract.
The expenses necessary for the Internet connection (telephone expenses included, if any) will be borne by the User according to the tariffs applied by the telephone provider chosen by the User.
The Services consist of: (i) full text of articles and research materials made available on the Site; (ii) newsletter service (including the possibility to participate in surveys); (iii) possibility for the User to create and publish his/her own profile that will be available for all the registered Users on the Site.
3. User’s personal data.
In order to proceed with the registration, the User has to provide some personal data. The User acknowledges that the personal data provided will be registered and utilized by AIE in accordance with and in obedience to the rules of the Italian law, Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 – Privacy Code, for the execution and performance of this agreement, just as indicated in the proper privacy information notice supplied to the User through the Site upon registration.
The User declares and guarantees that the data concerning his/her person, provided to AIE, are correct and true.
The User can any time update and/or change his/her personal data in the “Edit my profile” page in the reserved area of the Site.
4. User’s obligations.
The User commits him/herself to the respect of the intellectual property rights, in particular copyrights and trademark rights, regarding the materials put at his/her disposal or made accessible through the Services. It is prohibited to the User to make use of such materials for direct or indirect commercial purposes. The User commits him/herself not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or distribute the contents of the Services in any form for direct or indirect commercial purposes.
The User must have the legal capacity to act and must be of age (at least 18 years old).
The User commits him/herself not to use the Site and the Service for illicit activities or activities that infringe the law in any way.
The User takes any responsibility for his/her own activity carried out through the Services and, with reference to it, commits him/herself to keep AIE unimpaired by any claim or action that might be carried out by third parties against AIE.
5. Acceptance of the terms and conditions concerning the Services and stipulation of the contract.
The use of the Services entails the full acceptance of these general conditions of contract; their acceptance and the consequent conclusion of the present contract take place when, after filling out the registration form, the User clicks on the button “Confirm”, thus sending his/her own data to AIE. A confirmation e-mail regarding the successful registration will be sent to the User.
The User accepts that the confirmation of the information and of the terms and conditions contained in the present contract will be sent to him/her via e-mail.
6. Access to the Services. Confidentiality of User-Id and password.
Access to the Services occurs through an information authentication procedure (User-ID and password chosen by the User during the registration process), to be considered strictly confidential and untransferable.
The User states to be informed of the fact that the knowledge of such data (User-ID and password) by third parties would allow them to use the Services in his/her name. Therefore, the User is bound to keep his/her User-ID and password with the utmost diligence and secrecy. The User commits him/herself to carefully keep his/her User-ID and password and to inform AIE in due time, via e-mail to the following address, about any theft, mislaying, or loss incurred, or illicit use of the password and/or the User-ID.
7. Amendments and discharge.
AIE reserves the right, at its full discretion, to modify the present general conditions of contract any time, notifying the new general conditions through the Site. The new general conditions will be in force starting from the moment when they are published on the Site or sent via e-mail to registered Users.
AIE reserves the right to modify the features of the Services,.
AIE reserves the right to discontinue or interrupt the Services any time (temporarily or definitively), at its full discretion,. AIE disclaims all responsibility towards the User for any consequence he/she might directly or indirectly incur as a result of such discontinuance or interruption.
AIE reserves the right to discontinue or interrupt the access to and the supply of the Services, to discharge the present agreement and to cancel the registration of the User in the following cases: a) in the event that the User violates the present terms and conditions or further dispositions, if any, relating to a specific Service; b) in the event that the User utilizes the Services for illegal purposes, in violation of the rights of AIE and/or third parties or for any activity against the law.
8. Responsibility in the use of the Services.
Within the limits allowed by the law, AIE disclaims all responsibility for the consequences deriving from possible malfunctioning of the Site and/or for the damages that might derive from them, both towards the User and towards third parties, if any.
The use of the Services is completely at User’s risk. The Services are accessible without guarantees of any kind, both explicit and implicit.
The general dispositions relating to the use of the Site (Terms of use) are meant to be fully recollected and reported here.
Under no circumstances will AIE be responsible towards the User, towards subjects directly or indirectly connected to the User and towards third parties for damages, losses and costs met as a result of discontinuances or interruptions of the Services due to force majeure or to a fortuitous event.
AIE will not be held responsible in case of delays, malfunctioning and breakdown of Services caused by: a) periodic and/or extraordinary maintenance or updating interventions on its information infrastructure, b) incorrect use of the Services by the User, c) malfunctioning of the terminals utilized by the User, d) complete or partial interruption of the Internet access service supplied by the telecommunications provider chosen by the User.
By reason of the features and technical limitations relating to the protection of electronic communications via the Internet, AIE does not guarantee that information or data seen by the User through the reserved area of the Site are not accessible or visible by unauthorized third parties.
The User will be responsible for facts and/or damages incurred by AIE and/or third parties as a consequence of the violation of the obligations under art. 6 above, and commits him/herself to indemnify and hold AIE harmless regarding any action, claim or request, also of damage compensation, directly or indirectly deriving from the use or abuse of his/her User-ID and password by anyone.
9. Duration of the contract.
The Services are made available to the User until one of the Parties withdrawal from the contract.
The User is entitled to withdraw any time, by sending AIE an e-mail to the following address from his/her own e-mail used for registration.
Within 5 working days from the receipt of the withdrawal notice e-mail by the User, AIE will take steps to disable the access to the Services and to cancel the personal data provided by the User in relation to the registration to the Site. To access to the reserved area of the Site and to the related Services again, a new registration will be required.
AIE is entitled to withdrawal with a 10 (ten) days’ notice, by sending the User an e-mail to the address specified by the User during the registration process.
10. Applicable law.
The present general conditions of contract have been drawn up and should be interpreted and applied in accordance with the Italian law.
By completing the registration process and sending his/her data, the User declares that he/she has examined the present general conditions of contract and explicitly approves them.