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Digital tools made reachable the role of publisher for many people. By one hand the technological utensils made possible the rise of the huge amount of self-publishing through many diverse..

Leon Bleser

Research Assistant, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
I graduated from JGU Mainz with a Master of Arts in Book and Reading Studies, writing my final thesis on the (possible) changes that AI brings to the audiobook production..

Eighteen months from the time when the European Accessibility Act will unfold its effects on the digital content and book supply chain, the APACE project is born: the network coordinated..


BotTalk is one of the winner of the 2021 edition of ContentShift, the accelerator for startups launched by Börsenverein and dedicated to fostering innovation in the content industry. Aldus Up takes..


Alongside the well-renowned conference of Readmagine by FGSR, on June 9th Fondazione LIA organized the third edition of the Accessibility Camp in Madrid. Organized in the framework of Aldus UP and thanks to the collaboration of Libranda and Germán..

Gautier Chomel is a 25 years experienced editorial and book production designer with a 10 years specialization in accessible content for visually impaired people. Gautier..