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Settembre 1986 fonda Casa editrice Bose Giesse con mansione di Responsabile delle pubblicazioni, della comunicazione, della produzione – attualmente ancora attiva con l..
Inspired by his mother’s bedtime story sessions Taraka Leonardo Vipulaguna has become an avid member of the club of all time fairy tale lovers. Even as he grew up as th..

The Spanish Publishers Association (FGEE: Federación de Gremios de Editores de España) has presented in Madrid a preview of the big figures of the Spanish book market during 2021. The..


Halfway through 2020, the Federation of European Publishers took stock of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the book sector in Europe. Back then, many countries had just experienced..


The new digital format adopted this year by the conference by the Umberto e Elisabetta Mauri School for Booksellers did nothing to affect the quality of the contributions and debate that..