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Mariana Féged, a key speaker from Bookwire, recently presented an insightful analysis of the Spanish digital book market for 2023. his presentation was delivered during a professional meeting organized by FGSR,..

Cornelius Conteh

Business Development Manager, Bloom Bank Africa SL Ltd
+ Professional Biography: Cornelius Alusine Conteh Cornelius Alusine Conteh is a distinguished sales professional with over seven years of experience in customer servi..

(This article lists the contents addressed in the latest edition of Readmagine, with the specification of the panels and workshops and the experts participating in each of them. From the..


Karl Berglund delivered an insightful presentation at Audio Day PARIX, organised by Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, discussing the evolving landscape of audiobooks, particularly in the context of streaming services. His..

Sono autrice e cantasstorie mi occupo di allenamento della fantasia attraverso percorsi di gioco con la scrittura per grandi e piccini. Il mio brand si chiama The Storyt..
Inspired by his mother’s bedtime story sessions Taraka Leonardo Vipulaguna has become an avid member of the club of all time fairy tale lovers. Even as he grew up as th..