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Audio is today a type of format that serves as a complementary means to economically exploit the textual content sold by the publishing sector. The percentage of implementation of audio..

Gerlinde Hacker Hacker

President, Interessensgemeinschaft feministische Autorinnen
Hacker - Writer, Literature Activist, Project Manager Email: Website: Location: 1050 Vienna Phone: +43 664 34 057 43 ..

 In our mission to make data about book reading habits more comparable across Europe, the Aldus Up Working Group on Reading introduces an updated guideline document for the EuRopean Item..


BotTalk is one of the winner of the 2021 edition of ContentShift, the accelerator for startups launched by Börsenverein and dedicated to fostering innovation in the content industry. Aldus Up takes..


Artificial intelligence has been making the headlines, especially since the brilliant release of ChatGPT3 a few months ago. Beyond the technical prowess, it’s the arrival of generative artificial intelligence and..


Recommendations on social media are the second most important factor influencing the purchase of books, indicated as decisive by 14% of Italian readers. Only the discount, with 17% of mentions..