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Anil Kumar Sarvepalli

Director, Chaaya Publications Private Limited
ChaayaWe are an independent publishing house from Hyderabad, India with a three-member Team. In the last seven years, we have brought more than 100 Titles into Telugu, Mo..

Mervi Puurunen

Entrepreneur, Trading House Aavamaa Ltd
A Finnish Freelancer translator operating mainly with the U.S. customers...

Marta Visentin

Translator, Freelance translator
English and Spanish to Italian freelance literary translator of fiction and non-fiction. Team member of the mentorship program for the Italian literary translators' ..

Cornelius Conteh

Business Development Manager, Bloom Bank Africa SL Ltd
+ Professional Biography: Cornelius Alusine Conteh Cornelius Alusine Conteh is a distinguished sales professional with over seven years of experience in customer servi..

Engin Memiş

Writer and publisher, Kitapdostu Publishing House
Kitapdostu Yayınları (Kitapdostu Publishing House) Erman Basım Yayın Dağıtım (Kitapdostu Yayınları) was founded in 2010. We published totally 131 books up to da..

European publishing, especially that of smaller countries, needs support to break into foreign marketsand a huge imbalance persists between titles bought and sold, compared to the English-language market. At the..